Over the last 25 years, Frankie has taught over a thousand writers in informal and formal classes from 4th graders to octogenarians. As a published author of multiple books of fiction, Frankie knows what it takes to dig deep and shape your stories onto the page. Using an innovative, nonjudgmental approach to writing that deeply values craft, all of these classes are designed to cultivate your artistic confidence.

With an informal, conversational video style and downloadable workbooks, Frankie offers full-online asynchronous, self-paced classes that you can do over a weekend or a couple of weeks. One-hour workshops and multiple-day workshops are offered.



    This free micro-course offers a creative guide to nourishing your imagination. Whether you are an experienced writer or just beginning, use this course to help you trust your own material and intuition. Claim your right to write!

    In this course:

    • An introductory module and two chapters, each with instructor video, transcripts, and writing prompts

    • Chapter 1: Imagination and Creativity

    • Chapter 2: The Fifth Brain Concept

    • Resource Library

    | FREE


    You already have a bounty of writing topics in your experiences, memories, and imagination. This course guides you to find and develop those topics.

    In this course:

    • An introductory module and four chapters, all with instructor video, transcripts, downloadable workbooks, and writing prompts

    • Chapter 1: Lists from Your Life

    • Chapter 2: Playing with Psychic Distance and Immediacy

    • Chapter 3: Finding the Symbols that Arise in Your Work

    • Chapter 4: What Next? Method

    • Resource Library

      | $99.99


    This microclass uses elements of contemporary dance and tango to unlock memories and deepen vivid writing about your lived experiences. Using dance imagery to explore memoir writing may not seem logical, but it is an immensely productive way of crafting your memoir.

    In this course:

    • An introductory module and two chapters, all with instructor video, transcripts, and writing prompts

    • Chapter 1: Dance Moves

    • Chapter 2: The Tango: Past and Present, Memory and Imagination

    • Resource Library

    | $29.99


Find your own creativity!

Use writing prompts to start exploring your own fifth brain (writerly intuition) and build your creative confidence with the free course, Access Your Creativity

Got your words flowing but need a way to keep pushing into specific material? 

Try the online course, Use Your Experiences to Write!

You already have a bounty of writing topics in your experiences, memories, and imagination. This course guides you to find and develop those topics.

Have a strong memory that you want to write something about, but don’t know how?

Try the online course, Memoir Writing Microclass: The Dance!

This micro class uses elements of contemporary dance and tango to unlock memories and deepen vivid writing about your lived experiences. Using dance imagery to explore memoir writing may not seem logical, but it is an immensely productive way of crafting your memoir.

Crave the luxury of being part of a creative community for discussions, laughing, commiserating & getting new ideas?

Check out the Fifth Brain Membership and our Live Classes! Membership offers weekly meetings with other writers. Together you work from guided prompts, workshop your writing, and find a writing family of your own. Frankie Rollins uses tools and techniques from her lengthy writing and teaching experience to coach each membership group.


Craving some creative community? Check out these live (virtual) classes and gatherings!

Happy Hour Writing Sprint

Weekly Zoom with Diana Jaramillo

Work at your own pace in a “room” with other folks. Enjoy the camaraderie and support of your peers facing the blank page.

FREE! Every Thursday Night! Join Us!

7:00-8:00 pm EST


Live Workshop with Frankie Rollins

All fairy tales have a disappointment at their core. Relieve your disappointment by writing it into a fairy tale and seeing the experience with fresh eyes.

One Night Only

Wed Sept 19, 6:00-7:00 pm EST